Wèi Lái Ròu - a Hong Kong Meatfactory
Global meat consumption and especially meat production are a delicate issue. This stems from
the fact, that the production, which tries to keep up with the growing demand, poses an
ecological threat. Not only does it produce vast amounts of CO2 eq. emissions, but it also
occupies vast quantities of land and thus is responsible for deforestation and the death of
The novel technology of in-vitro-meat promises to mitigate most problems caused by conventional
meat production. While certainly being a deviant form of production, its advantages are manifold.
My architectural intent is to speculate on a potential techno-biological paradigm shift and its
cultural and spatial consequences, by designing an in-vitro-meat factory.
This thesis investigates the history of the factory typology and seeks to explore how this typology
might transform in the future, while considering its new cultural significance.
Whilst trying to provide appropriate technical solutions, the main focus lies on the question
of how future factories could emerge and how the relationship with factories and production itself
might change in the future.
The entire thesis in lower quality can be downloaded here: