Dipl.-Ing MAS Georg Grasser

This project was a collaboration between architecture and building engineer students in order to explore the possibilities of robotic concrete printing, combined with the use of textile reinforcement. The use of robotics allows a fast and simple creation of complex geometries, which do not require any casting, which in turn allows an affordable production. Carbon textile as a way of reinforcement has 2 advantages: it allows the production of very thin concrete shells and it is not vulnerable to oxidation, it was therefore a straight forward decision to use the textile as a structural and aesthetic element. The printed mock-up model was printed in 3 different parts with overlapping textile, in order to connect them with cast concrete. The final perforations of the panel surface do not only make the panels lighter, but they also cause less wind resistance.


Roland Achberger
Dominik Bickel
Matthias Burgmann
Alan Clara
Tobias Huber
Konstantin Jauck
Hannes Kofler
Johannes Luksch
Jonas Pedrotti
Andrè Ploner
Karin Zöll

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Concrete Robot Panel Design
Concrete Robot Panel Plans Concrete Robot Panel Render Concrete Robot Panel Manufacturing Concrete Robot Panel mock-up
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